Gouwuhawaii.com 房产经纪人 蔡以祥的文章
In the market, we are observing a shift in the buying behavior of the higher price point properties. East Oahu, many of the single family homes are above a million regardless of its year built or condition. According to the most recent article from the Honolulu Magazine, in 2016 36 homes were sold more than 5 million and of these 16 were condos. Now in 2017, 61 sales above 5 million and of these 50 were condos. 11% to 82% change in the highest-priced condo purchase behavior over the 2015-2017 time span.
The reason for this change could be contributed to the increase construction and supply of the luxury condo units in Kakaako. Before there were not so many of those luxury condo existed, but now it is different. It provides a new supply of newer units and new choices for luxury buyers.
今日夏威夷的房产市场我们发现了购买趋势的改变尤其是在高端房产上面。 夏威夷市区的独立房产通常都在一百万以上这个模糊了所谓一百万美金以上的房子就是豪华的迷思。 现在一百万美金的房产在夏威夷东部,有很多都是比较老旧的房产重新装修。 在2016年 36个高价位在 OAHU 岛上卖出在5百万以上,16个单位是condo. 2015年时,只有2个是高端condo 单位。 在2017年,5百万美金以上的单位售出61间其中50间是condo 公寓大楼单位。这个现象可以看出其实高端大楼单位还是被许多外国以及本地投资人喜爱,因为除了住起来方便以及舒适,投资人可以安心旅游。 高端大楼的售出单位增加也是因为目前高端大楼的兴建比前几年都还多,这样提供了投资人多一些购买选择。
2017 年最高售价的独立房产价位在 1千3百八十万美金, 前三名最高单价卖出的单位都是高端大楼分别是Park Lane 顶楼单位2千2百万美金, 以及 一千八百八十万美金 也是Park Lane 大楼, 第三名则是 一千四百二十七万九美金 Waiea 大楼。